GAMES101.闫令琪.05.光线追踪(2).辐射度量学(Lecture 14-15)



  • Basic Radiometry
  • Blinn-Phong 模型只是一个近似模型
  • 辐射度量学是一个精确模型
    • 基于几何光学来做的
    • 物理上的准确定义
  • 学习思路:WHY, WHAT, HOW
  • 一些量的定义
    • Radiant Energy,Flux(Power)
    • Radiant Intensity,Irradiance, Radiance
  • 图形学中很少用能量的概念,都是考虑功率较多
    • 能量则需要考虑时间
    • 帧一般时间较短


Radiant Energy

  • 电磁辐射的能量
  • Radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic radiation. It is measured in units of joules, and denoted by the symbol:

\[ Q\left[J=Joule\right] \]

Radiant Flux / Power

  • 功率
  • 单位时间的能量
  • Radiant flux (power) is the energy emitted, reflected, transmitted or received, per unit time.

\[ \Phi\equiv\dfrac{\mathrm{d}Q}{\mathrm{d}t}\left[W=Watt\right]\left[lm=lumen\right] \]

  • 单位:瓦特
    • 光学中描述功率:流明
    • 灯泡多亮
  • 另外的定义
    • Flux – #photons flowing through a sensor in unit time
    • 单位时间通过的光子数量


  • Radiant Intensity,Irradiance, Radiance

Radiant Intensity

  • The radiant (luminous) intensity is the power per unit solid angle emitted by a point light source.
  • 单位立体角的 power(flux)

\[ I(\omega)\equiv\dfrac{\mathrm{d}\Phi}{\mathrm{d}\omega}\left[\dfrac{W}{sr}\right]\left[\dfrac{lm}{sr}=cd=candela\right] \]

  • sr:立体角的单位
  • The candela is one of the seven SI base units.
    • 坎德拉:基本单位之一


  • 球面面积占球面表面积的比例 x 一个常数,二维弧度制的延伸
  • A:投影到球面上的面积

\[ \Omega=\dfrac{A}{r^2} \]

  • 整个球的立体角:\(4\pi\)

  • 微分立体角

\[ dA=r\sin\theta d\phi\cdot rd\theta=r^2\sin\theta \;\mathrm{d}\theta \;\mathrm{d}\phi \]

  • 此时立体角

\[ d\omega=\dfrac{dA}{r^2}=\sin\theta d\theta d\phi \]

  • 球的立体角

\[ \Omega=\int_{S^2}\mathrm{d}w=\int_0^{2\pi}\int_0^{\pi}\sin\theta \;\mathrm{d}\theta \;\mathrm{d}\phi=4\pi \]

  • 各向同性点光源
    • Isotropic Point Source

\[ \Phi=\int_{S^2}I\;\mathrm{d}\omega=4\pi I \]

\[ I=\dfrac{\Phi}{4\pi} \]

  • LED 灯:标识的多少瓦实际上表示和白炽灯相比等价于多少瓦
    • 标 60W 的 LED 灯实际开销只有 11W


  • 无方向性
  • 单位面积的 power
  • The irradiance is the power per unit area incident on a surface point

\[ E(x)\equiv \dfrac{d\Phi(x)}{\mathrm{d}A}\left[\dfrac{W}{m^2}\right]\left[\dfrac{lm}{m^2}=lux\right] \]

  • 光线不垂直于面的时候,需要投影到垂直方向
    • 一个例子:四季的产生
  • 解释现象
    • Blinn-Phong 模型中漫反射的计算
    • 光线的衰减
      • Intensity 没有衰减,Irradiance 在衰减


  • 有方向性
  • 描述光线
  • The radiance (luminance) is the power emitted, reflected, transmitted or received by a surface, per unit solid angle, per projected unit area

\[ L(p,\omega)\equiv\dfrac{\mathrm{d}^2\Phi(p,\omega)}{\;\mathrm{d}\omega \;\mathrm{d}A \cos\theta}\left[\dfrac{W}{sr\ m^2}\right]\left[\dfrac{cd}{m^2}=\dfrac{lm}{sr\ m^2}=nit\right] \]

  • \(\mathrm{d}A\):发射光的面积
  • \(\cos\theta\):投影
  • 联系
    • Radiance: Irradiance per solid angle
    • Radiance: Intensity per projected unit area

Incident Radiance

  • it is the light arriving at the surface along a given ray (point on surface and incident direction)

\[ L(p,\omega) = \dfrac{\mathrm{d}E(p)}{\mathrm{d}\omega\cos\theta} \]

Exiting Radiance

  • for an area light it is the light emitted along a given ray (point on surface and exit direction)

\[ L(p,\omega) = \dfrac{\mathrm{d}I(p,w)}{\mathrm{d}A\cos\theta} \]

Irradiance 和 Radiance 的关系

  • Radiance 在 Irradiance 的基础上增加了方向性
  • 某个点接受/发射光线总能量:Irradiance
  • 某个点从某个方向接受/向某个方向发射光线能量:Radiance

\[ \begin{array}{c} \mathrm{d}E(p,\omega)=L_i(p,\omega)\cos\theta \;\mathrm{d}\omega\\ E(p,\omega)=\int_{H^2}L_i(p,\omega)\cos\theta \;\mathrm{d}\omega\\ \end{array} \]


  • Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function
    • 双向反射分布函数

  • 进入的 irradiance:\(dE(\omega_i)=L(\omega_i)\cos\theta_i d\omega_i\)
  • 出去的 radiance(某个特定方向):\(dL_r(\omega_r)\)
  • The BRDF represents how much light is reflected into each outgoing direction from each incoming direction
    • 是一个比例

\[ f_{r}(\omega_{i} \to \omega_{r})=\frac{d L_{r}(\omega_{r})}{d E_{i}(\omega_{i})}=\frac{d L_{r}(\omega_{r})}{L_{i}(\omega_{i}) \cos \theta_{i} d \omega_{i}}\left[\frac{1}{\mathrm{sr}}\right] \]

  • BRDF 定义了物体的材质


  • 对所有的入射方向求积分

\[ L_{r}\left(p, \omega_{r}\right)=\int_{H^{2}} f_{r}\left(p, \omega_{i} \rightarrow \omega_{r}\right) L_{i}\left(p, \omega_{i}\right) \cos \theta_{i} \;\mathrm{d} \omega_{i} \]

  • \(p\):入射点
  • \(\omega_r\):出射方向
  • \(\omega_i\):入射方向


  • Rendering Equation (Kajiya 86)
  • 加上自己的发光成分

\[ L_{o}(p, \omega_{o})=L_{e}(p, \omega_{o})+\int_{\Omega^{+}} L_{i}(p, \omega_{i}) f_{r}(p, \omega_{i}, \omega_{o})(n \cdot \omega_{i}) \;\mathrm{d} \omega_{i} \]




  • 求和


  • 积分


  • 间接光照
  • 把物体当成是光源
  • 现在解渲染方程,相当于求解 \(L\)

Integral Equation

  • 渲染方程转化为积分方程

\[ I(u)=e(u)+\int l(v)K(u,v)\;\mathrm{d}v \]

  • \(K(u,v)dv\):Kernel of equation Light Transport Operator

Linear Operator Equation

  • 通过算符的抽象还可极度简化成如下形式

\[ L = E + KL \]

  • 解渲染方程

\[ L=(I-K)^{-1}E \]

\[ L=(I+K+K^2+K^3+K^2+\cdots)E \]

  • \(E\):自发光
  • \(KE\):直接光照
  • \(KE^2\):one-bounce indirect
  • 光栅化着色:\(E+KE\)
  • 全局光照:直接和间接光照的集合
  • 光线跟踪的结果次数增加
    • 会收敛到一个亮度
    • 能量守恒